Contoh RPP Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Greeting Card

Kali ini saya berbagi RPP Bahasa Ingris Kelas VII dengan Materi Greeting Card atau kartu ucapan. RPP ini karya teman saya Ibu Faizah Cholil, dimana belia adalah teman sekelas saya.Fokus skill lesson plan ini ialah writing. RPP ini hanya sekedar contoh, Anda bisa mengembangkannya sendiri sesuai dengan keinginan dan media yang tersedia pada kelas Anda nantinya.
RPP Bahasa Inggris ini sengaja ditulis berbahasa inggris supaya lebih afdol karena yang diajar adalah mata pelajaran bahasa inggris. 


Subject                         : English
Class / Semester           : Grade VII / 1
Material                        : Short Functional Text – Greeting card
Skill Focus                   : Writing
Time Allocation           : 15 Minutes (1 meeting )

I.                    Competence standard
  Expressing  the meaning of simple short functional text to communicate close environment and / or in academic context.

II.                  Basic Competence
Expressing  the  meaning  of simple short functional text accurately, systematically and accepted to communicate with close environment.

III.                Indicators
a.       Explain the meaning of short functional text – Greeting Card.
b.       Explain the social function of short functional text –Greeting Card.
c.        Identify the kinds of short functional text – Greeting Card.  
d.       Compose a simple short functional text – Greeting Card.

 IV.     Learning Objective
By  the end of the lesson, student will have been able to write a simple short functional text – Greeting Card.

V.         Learning Material
a.        Definition of Short Functional Text – Greeting Card
A greeting card is an illustrated, folded card featuring an expression of friendship or other sentiment also to convey thanks or express other feeling.
b.        Social Function of Short Functional Text – Greeting Card.  
           To  congratulate  or express other feeling to someone.
           c.         Kinds  of  Short Functional Text – Greeting Card.   
·           Birthday Card
·           Congratulation  Card
·           New Year Card
·           Thanks Card
·           Sympathy Card
d.        Example of  Short Functional Text – Greeting Card

 Happy New Year Card

happy new year card

Birtday Card

happy new year card
VI.     Learning Method 
Communicative Language Teaching
VII.    Step Of Learning Activity
Interaction Pattern
Sample of Instruction
Building Knowledge Of the Field
(pre activities)
Ø  Teacher greets students

Ø  Teacher checks students’ attendance

Ø  Teacher stimulates students by asking simple question and sharing about greeting card.


T - S

Ø Assalaamu’alaikum wr.wb.
     Good afternoon boys and girls.
    How are you ? Thank you.

Ø Let’s  check to see who’ s  here.  Remember to answer “I’m here”. No one absent today.  Thank you.

Ø Well my students, have you ever sent or received a greeting card?  Why do people send greeting card? What do you feel if you receive it from your friend? 
Modeling Of Teaching
(Main activities)
Ø  Teacher gives example of short functional text – greeting card.

Ø  Teacher explains more about short functional text – greeting card.


Ø T – S

Ø T – S

Ø Ok students, I want you to look at the slide. Here are some examples of greeting card.

Ø A greeting card is an illustrated, folded card featuring an expression of friendship or other sentiment also to convey thanks or express other feeling.
Ø The social function of greeting card is  to  congratulate  or express other feeling to someone.
Ø There are many kinds of greeting card, they are birthday card, wedding card, new year card etc.

Join construction of the text
Ø  Teacher devides the students into several groups

Ø  Teacher  gives  to  each group a situation then asks them to  make  a simple greeting card based on situation given.


Ø T – S

Ø S – T

Ä Well,   listen carefully,  now, you  are going to work in group of  three or four.

Ä  Students…. Read  the situation carefully  then write a simple greeting card.  I give you 10 minutes to compose it.

Ä Ok. Time is up. Let’s check  together. Which group wants to start?
Independent construction of the text (Post  activities)
Ä Teacher reviews the materials

Ä Teacher gives motivation to the  students and closes the meeting


Ø S – T

Ø T – S

Ä Do you know what is the social function of greeting card?  Can  you mention the kinds of greeting card?....  thank you. You are smart students.     

Ä Well, it’s break time. So,  you can go out to play. There is no home work today. But it doesn’t mean that you don’t study at home.
Thank you for your nice attention. See you next week.
Wassalaamu’alaikum wr. wb.

e.      Media and Source Material
1.      Media
a.      Sample of greeting card
b.      Handout
c.       Slide
2.      Source Material
a.      Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional , English In focus for Grade VII, PT. Bengawan Ilmu, Semarang, 2008.
b.      English Workbook.

f.        Assessment
1.      Form                      : Written Test.
2.    Techniques              :  Students are assigned to make a simple greeting card based on the situation given.
3.         Aspect                  : Writing, content, grammar, structure and vocabulary in use or the clarity of    the kind of greeting card.
4.      Scoring guide        :
 Maximal Score

5.      Instrument            : Enclosed. Make a simple greeting card based on the situation given!

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Metode Bahasa Inggris 468 x 60
thumbnail Title : Contoh RPP Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Greeting Card
Posted by : Andri Stiawan
Published : 2015-05-11T15:49:00+07:00
Rating : 5
Reviewer : 99999 Reviews
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